they found me.

Cricket News!!!

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Feb 18th 2024

unfortunately, despite adjustments, they continue to cannibalize eachother. i think they're just getting too big too fast for their little tank.

i'm unsure how to resolve this situation as the larger tank hasn't come yet. i would count how many are left but it's beginning to make me sad. this heartbreaking journey may end in them being fed to my sister's boyfriend's turtle.

Feb 16th 2024

i'm very sad today, there are only 15. i suspect clementines were not a sufficient replacement for the carrots. i don't currently have anymore carrots, so i'm going to try apple slices today. if the problem persists i will get carrots again.

a secondary reason i suspect that two went missing was overly territorial behavior. instead of two large cardboard houses i have made one large and two small, and arranged food more centrally in regards to line of sight from houses. things were going well, the only change has been carrots. i am still waiting on the larger tank to be delivered. :(

Feb 15th 2024

little guys were fed a clementine slice today. they don't dry out as quickly, may be a lower maintenance food option if they like it.

they aren't chirping as much today. i think my room being a little on the chiller side may be bogging them down. it's about 70F, so i started running a space heater to bring the room temperature up to about 75.

Feb 13th 2024

now there is confusion brewing within me. a chronic fluke--that somehow i have miscounted them multiple times. i have 17, with a second confirmation from another person.

they seem to be doing well, they certainly have an appetite. i would suppose that is a good indication of health? they have warmed up to eating the water crystals. i will try feeding them new things starting tomorrow.

Feb 12th 2024

i was afraid there were more eaten!--but upon closer inspection and count it seems they are sheding/molting. the small nymph is doing much better today.

been cleaning their cage every day, and it disturbs them a lot. last night i ordered a 10 gallon reptile tank for them to live in. i think they will be happier with the space, and i will try to give them soil. the tank is supposed to arrive between the 16th and 25th.

Feb 11th 2024

there are only 2 growing in wings, so they are still young. today those two are livelier with their chirping. it's faint and has a pleasant sound to it.

there is a runt of the whole group, which i am worried about. it got slightly compressed by a piece of stray carrot, and was dazed for a while. they're such small and delicate creatures, and this isn't the first time it's been stuck under something.

Feb 10th 2024

today is the third day. there were 17, now there are 16. all that's left was a head. so i added some cricket feed that's got higher protein content, with hopes that they will be satisfied. i am considering a larger tank. although i am new to cricket care, and i did not intend to be a cricket parent-- i will try my best.

they like carrots a lot, especially shaved carrot. they are not fond of the water crystals, and truthfully neither am i (they smell funny)